daily record of exploits

Good evening, 47. Your target is Elon Musk

What up. I haven't been able to update this in a long while. I'm not gonna go into detail about every single game I played during this hiatus so I'll just bring up the noteworthy ones.

I've played a decent amount of Picayune Dreams and got the true ending - still haven't gotten the pure flawless run yet but I'll get there eventually. Good game. I love women that kill people.

I also finished Mass Effect 2 again, and Mass Effect 3 for the first time ever. Mods are a fucking blessing because that finally felt like a real fulfilling send-off to an incredible series. I want Legion carnally.

I've also been playing a SHIT ton of Hitman: World of Assassination. Trying to 100% this game seems like a fool's errand - who the hell has the patience for that, right? There's so much goddamn content in that game. Well... I'm 139 hours in and honestly? It seems like a realistic goal. I'm at 56/83 achievements, and I've been slowly and methodically knocking out every challenge in every location. I would say I'm at about the halfway mark. The big one will be Freelancer mode, but I'll have enough experience by then from doing every other destination 30 times over and over.

It's kind of silly how emetic tools are pretty much the meta in this game. It makes sense - non-lethally poisoning a target is an easy way of isolating them and they almost ALWAYS go into bathroom toilets, which NPCs almost never occupy at all. It's also really good at getting a target's bodyguards away from them, and it doesn't cause anyone else to panic, only to just react momentarily before going back to what they were doing. So naturally, emetic grenades, emetic mines, and *emetic dart guns* are hilariously overpowered. Just pop the target from behind a wall and there you go. Free kill in about a minute.
I won't have that luxury in Freelancer. Still. It's nice having them.


"JUSTICE IS AN ILLUSION" -jack garland

Hello again. Been a while. Having a bit of a hard time making this a daily thing...

- I tried out a new almost-total conversion for Yakuza 0 called "Case Zero: VOTD". It's.. a bit rough at the moment. The mod page talks like it's supposed to be a full release. I'm not sure. It's confusing.
- I finished 428: Shibuya Scramble! Including all the crazy hidden side content. What an amazing game, honestly.
- I tried out a BUNCH of PS1/PS2 games. Shadow of Memories, 007: Everything or Nothing, The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, 10,000 Bullets, Vagrant Story... I'll talk about these more in-depth if I ever play them for more than an hour.
- Played Sleeping Dogs for a bit again before I got super pissed off at this 6-minute bike race that instantly game overs you if you fall off your bike. How fucking annoying.
- Did some TF2 every now and then. Last time I got pissed that I keep getting autobalanced so I haven't touched it in a bit.

I also played through the entirety of Urban Reign for the PS2. Holy fuck, what a game. Starting off with an edgy-ass speech from the protagonist, then quickly following up with Tekken-ass gameplay that is fun for the first 10 missions where you can mop the floor with your enemies, and then. And THEN. The gloves come off. The game starts FUCKING you raw. Enemies will come after you 3 at once and fucking juggle you to death. They'll pull off stupid cheap-ass bullshit grapple chains, they'll take out 80% of your health bar with one combo. You are forced to learn the game's mechanics, Brad's moveset, everything REALLY fast or you'll never fucking survive the later stages. This is the game telling you to wake the fuck up and pay attention. And it's amazing. Nothing in your arsenal feels pointless - as your repertoire of moves gets upgraded, EVERYTHING has an use, however limited. You quickly learn that the UP special art disarms enemies instantly. And you start abusing it on weapon masters. The neutral special art gives you breathing room and only costs 2 bars to use. Run up the walls to instantly knock down the entire group of enemies. You learn NOT to get backed into a corner or you are DEAD. You learn to support your AI partner (unlocked from chapter 2 onwards), because there is no distinction between "player" and "NPC" here - everyone is similarly capable of being busted as fuck and enemy AI *will* use their tricks to their fullest.

Eventually you start getting good enough that soon, none of the missions ever pose you too much trouble. And then you get hit with Golem.

Mother FUCKING Golem.

"Monster" is pretty much correct.

You fight this big fucking bastard *FIVE* times and he doesn't stop being a threat whatsoever, not even after you learn to fight him. He's got super armor buffs. He's got a huge amount of health. He will take out half your health bar with one grapple/attack. He has a fucking fire axe. And just when you think the worst is over, Mission 98 happens.
Mission 98 pits you against Napalm 99 and Golem at the same time - two of the hardest motherfuckers in the game, tag-teaming against you. This is the ultimate fucking test. This shit will traumatize you. You almost die in real life every time your AI partner dies and both of them fucking bumrush you. Mission 98 is the ultimate test of personality.

Mission 99 then pits you against a dude with a katana that deals TOO MUCH damage and dodges all of your moves like a crackhead but if you can get it off him, he's helpless.

The game ends with possibly the funniest fucking final boss I have ever seen, and an ending where Brad says some Edgy White Good-At-Punching Guy shit, roll credits. It's an underwhelming finale, all things considered.

I don't give a shit. I survived Mission 98 and not a lot of people can say that. Urban Reign is one of the video games of all time. I want to kill Chaos.

JUN-09-2024 JUN-10-2024 JUN-11-2024 JUN-12-2024 JUN-13-2024 JUN-14-2024 JUN-15-2024

in my dreams, i see those numbers.

I haven't played a lot of things lately - honestly, most of my time has been taken up from being suddenly obsessed with the unique types of Sudoku that CTC offers. Their channel is here. I've spent hours and hours doing a bunch of these, and there's SO many of them, so varied.

Other than my lethal sudoku addiction, I've been a bit here and there. I played more of 51 Clubhouse Games on my very definitely legal Switch that definitely exists - I swear to god, board games bring out the absolute bastard in AI opponents, because these are all solved games by now, so naturally the AI knows literally every correct move on Impossible difficulty, to the point where your only strategy is to abuse the fuck out of the Undo function whenever it's available and either try a different strategy or just force the AI to make a DIFFERENT move than the one they keep trying. Pretty much just forcing the AI to do stupid moves is the only way to win.

I also tried out Hyper Metroid - it looks cool so far. The intro cutscene is just about what you'd expect from romhackers writing stories - they are good at changing up the game! They are NOT good at writing. Seriously. I can count the amount of mods/hacks for games that have good writing on one claw. It always ends up being edgy as hell.

I've progressed some more in Prey, too. It really is crazy how being able to use both kinds of powers changes up just how much you can do - so many doors blocked off in our previous playthroughs that I can now just waltz through thanks to Remote Manipulation.

Way of the Samurai 4 got some time in the spotlight, too. I've progressed through all the optional questgivers' stories and started the big Amihama Eight showdown. Or at least, I triggered the mission, killed the Mistress for her style and weapon, went to the Back Roads to activate the quest and then just left. After all, you don't fail these quests from leaving the area - fighting 300 enemies in a row is kind of a HUGE ask so naturally you'll be heading back out to heal - or, if you're like me, you're just going to leave every 10 kills to melt down all the fucking swords you'll get from this quest. I forgot what the main story is at this point.

I've also reinstalled Killing Floor - it looks like the server Akane always plays on is still active after all this time, which is incredible to me. Just another means of wasting time when nothing else seems to our liking.

Finally, Team Fortress 2 is the other game I've reinstalled - now that the bots have been beaten back (FOR NOW....) Casual is actually fucking playable. People still condense on 2fort and Upward, because of course, but hey, at least there's no goddamn cheater infestation for the time being.

JUL-04-2024 JUL-05-2024 JUL-06-2024 JUL-07-2024 JUL-08-2024

i'm allowed to kill you if i want to.

I haven't been doing a lot of gaming - mostly I've been just fucking around with the website, adding small things here and there whenever I felt like it. I've been playing 428:SS a lot, and have reached the "final act" of the story.
I just recently discovered Minorikawa's hidden dungeon minigame. It was pretty funny. And there was a bad ending associated with it, too, so it turned out to be necessary for 100% after all. I like how completing it successfully just brings you back to the main storyline seamlessly - Minorikawa just.. *appears* in the Inferno bar, just like that, as if time never even passed. I think maybe the van explosion knocked his weirdo brain around too much.

I've also started Way of the Samurai 4 recently. This time I'll HOPEFULLY play the game as intended and not cheat my way through it. Already on Day 1 I fucked up and "stole" a free sword upgrade from the Smithy by accident, so I had to beat the shit out of the poor old man (who is also ripped as hell for some reason), and that upset him enough that he decided to close up shop for the rest of the run. Damn it. I guess I'll have to resort to using discarded enemy swords when I get into fights. I made a spear before all of that, but those things must not be very good because goddamn, it broke in like 2 minutes. I also became the sensei of the local dojo (as in, the dojo had literally no one inside except a weird old dude who shoved ownership of it onto me). I haven't recruited anyone just yet, but I am in the process of helping Sensei - the girl just called "Sensei" - find her true calling. (Spoiler alert: it's the dojo. She tries every job under the sun before ending up at your dojo as a trainer/security guard.) On my second run I plan on getting Dojima to replace the smithy, because... Uh... I forgot what that actually does, but hey, it's a thing you can do.

JUL-01-2024 JUL-02-2024 JUL-03-2024

as you can see, i am a cat.

I recently had 428: Shibuya Scramble gifted to me - it's a visual novel that goes pretty hard on the "novel" part. Literally the only interaction you have is reading text and making decisions when they come up, but the story itself is interesting enough to carry the game. This is the first VN I've played that has real-life actors - as in, all the "CGs" and videos were taken in real life, as opposed to being like, 3D models or illustrations or something. And I found that pretty cool, I'm sure it's a common occurence in other VNs but it's the first time I've seen it. The basic premise involves the kidnapping of a girl, and the resulting police investigation - initially, our 2 playable characters are Kano, a detective assigned to the case, and Achi, an ex-gang member that stumbles upon the investigation by accident. In the next chapter though, we're immediately joined by three more protagonists: Minorikawa, a rather arrogant journalist; Osawa, the father of the girl in question - and Tama, who, as you can see...

... Is a cat.

Everyone's stories may seem not quite related at first, but the game sets up each event in such a way that even something as innocuous as one character taking a different path to their destination results in complete and utter cataclysm for the other protagonists. Pretty quickly, the gameplay turns to finding the right decision to make in each time block - and some of them don't immediately seem like the "right" choice - and finding the right place to "jump" from one character to another. The game is a bit inconsistent in how far you can skip forward to, and there's no faster text option (which would understandably ruin the tension/drama in certain events where a slower text speed makes more sense), so you tend to repeat small sections fairly often, but it's nothing that outright takes away from the experience. The game has a fair amount of humorous moments in it (some of them unintentionally funny), especially in the beginning, but it still succeeds at keeping things serious when it's needed - Osawa's path in particular almost feels like it's straight out of a horror game, what with the helplessness from being stuck in his house for most of the game, being more of a bystander to his own daughter's abduction as everything goes wrong.

It's pretty awesome seeing everyone's paths gravitate closer and closer to each other as they involve themselves in the Osawa kidnapping. I'm nearing the end of the second act now, and I'm probably going to binge the rest of the game in just a day or two.

In a fit of boredom, I grabbed a few more emulator games, mostly Super Metroid hacks. The only one I've tried at the moment is Containment Chamber, a sort of "challenge" hack where you need to use speedrun tricks to progress. Needless to say, I did not get very far - the first one was already beyond me at first, and the third level required dexterity that I simply did not have.

Finally, I gave Intelligent Qube for the PS1 a shot. It's alright, I'm pretty bad at it though. It also has one of the strangest vibes I've ever seen for a puzzle game.

JUN-28-2024 JUN-29-2024 JUN-30-2024

you're not alexander

Wow fuck I haven't updated this in 4 days. And this is supposed to be daily thing! Although keeping a schedule is basically impossible when you live under the conditions I do... meh.

Well first off, I've played Crime Boss: Rockay City for the first time... and played it for 18 hours consecutively - not all in one go, god no, it just was the only game I was playing for a few days. And damn, it's good. It's more of a PAYDAY 3 than the actual PD3. Which is not a terribly high bar, by the way. I can see myself pouring more and more hours into this one - there are a few kinks here and there but the game is VERY polished (aside from the AI teammates - I don't think any developer has ever succeeded at making their game's AI not dumb as hell), things just WORK. And it's not just a complete carbon copy of Payday either - it has its own unique roguelite mode that serves as the singleplayer campaign and it's pretty damn cool. The game still has a little bit of Bag Moving Simulator syndrome, but the only heist that almost pushes the envelope in that regard is the big-ass DLC gold heist - it's significantly alleviated by allowing the player to hold 2 bags at once (at the cost of not being able to use a primary weapon) and *then* a few more loose items in a third "bag" - some characters can even have THREE bags at once!

Also. This is huge. STEALTH IS FUNCTIONAL, AND IS LENIENT. None of the bullshit instant alarms or guards with psychic vision. Concealment is thrown out the window entirely, and you don't NEED to bring separate loadouts - you can stealth with a loadout geared for full-on combat just as well as one geared for stealth. You have throwables that can distract guards. Holy shit, what a fucking innovation, right? And total map control is entirely possible on basically EVERY heist, as long as you're patient - guards and civilians alike can be subdued as much as you want. No dumbass pager answering. Naturally, with how lenient stealth can be, they will also punish you pretty severely if you get too cocky - you operate on a "three strikes" rule, where for each "mistake" you make, a strike is added. At 3 strikes, the alarm goes off. Most of the time, you get a strike either from destroying a camera, or killing a guard - so you essentially get 2 free camera destructions and/or guard kills. The former is only necessary so long as the cameras are enabled in the first place (same as in PD2 - find the security room), and the latter is more of a panic button than anything when you can't subdue a guard for whatever reason. Hostages will actually follow you. Straight up. They don't randomly decide to stop moving, making you put them down and then back up again like 5 times. And you have a fancy gadget that scans ALL lootables, enemies and civilians in its radius, so you have foresight on what's around the corner. I repeat: Stealth is functional. It is no longer like pulling teeth out.

Okay, that's enough sucking this game's dick. The game is great and it's a refreshing take on what other games like this have previously put down. Next up:


I finally fuckin did it. I finished God Hand for the first time just an hour before I started writing this. My style was not impetuous. My defenses were anything but impregnable. And my beatdowns were only slightly apocalyptic. But it is fucking done. I've defeated God Hand for the time being, always getting back up no matter how many times I got knocked down. Tested at every single encounter, ass kicked more times than I can count. And not once did I ever get exhausted of it because the combat is so goddamn good. God Hand is not for the faint of heart, and definitely not for reviewers. It is the ultimate filter.

And I'm still not fucking done with it. There's still Hard mode to go through (god help me) and the 11 extra Arena battles to suffer through (god fucking help me). Also there's achievements to get, too, since I'm playing on an emulator. Perhaps later. One day. For now, I'm just happy to have finally taken down this titan of a game.

I'm not Alexander, but I'm the next best thing.

JUN-22-2024 JUN-23-2024 JUN-24-2024 JUN-25-2024 JUN-26-2024

I also forgot to mention I've started a new game: Islands of Insight. It was made free to keep from June 26-27 on Steam and it drew me in because - 10000 puzzles in a cool looking world you say??? It's pretty alright so far, but goddamn it, as is usually the case for games like this, there's ALWAYS That One Puzzle. I fucking hate slidy puzzles. I hate match 3 puzzles. Goddamn it. I can't believe this.


the goddest of hands

More Minecraft this day. I am slowly losing my whole sense of direction already in this pack - there's a million things I can be doing but.. I guess that's precisely the thing - I don't know what the hell I want to do anymore. I often find myself walking in circles in the world, completely lost. I'm going to try remaking my entire "base" I've got here in hopes of regaining some of that sense of direction.

Played through a few more stages of God Hand, finishing up right after defeating Elvis for the last time. I want to say I'm getting a little better at the game - I managed to stay on LvDie for quite a while - but this is the part of the game where my experience starts running out, and pretty soon I'm going to be in wholly new territory.

Also tried out a new game I've had collecting dust in my library called Beholder. I'm not too sure what to make of it yet. It reminds me of Papers Please though.

Looking at starting Control soon, and returning to some other games that I haven't played in a while. FO76 is going to take up quite a bit of my time though until I can finish all the season ranks. Ah, games as a service. You motherfuckers.


you and i are in very different worlds

Played more 76 yesterday. I established a sort of farming "route" with the kind of items I want - mostly specific food items, aluminum, and other junk... it kinda fell apart a bit because I spent less time actually farming shit and more time struggling with other things. But at least I made some headway into having some means of resetting that dumb 255 item pickup history. At the end of my "run" I decided to gather up all the Nuka-Grenades I'd saved up until now and go on a farming run in WestTek... that didn't exactly go well either. Going down the elevator and into the basement, that place is extremely inconsistent with how it spawns enemies - sometimes there'll be a group of 6 dudes right in front of the elevator, sometimes they'll be normally spread out. I died to super mutant suiciders spawning right in front of the elevator way too many times, and to go back and re-acquire all the buffs I lost would be tedious so I just kept going. I eventually started getting frustrated with how the whole nuka-grenade thing is supposed to be set up - I don't know how all these fucking big shot youtubers do it but I am not getting nearly as many results as them, even though I do the same things. They also assume you have been no-lifing this game 25/8 since the moment it released, and that you own literally every single fucking thing there is to own, so of course they also have like 30 different INT-boosting camp items, a hoard of magazines, bobbleheads, other items... Well I don't have all that shit. I hate youtubers. I did decide to finally grab the company tea machine through gold bullion - it looks useful enough, and I needed to complete the weekly objective anyway. Maybe next time I do WestTek I'll just do it the "normal" way and kill every enemy myself in there. It was certainly more engaging that way instead of lobbing dumbass grenades that only barely clear out each room.

I also finished the night by playing more SAO. I decided not necessarily to go solo but just bring different party members instead. I only just found out that weapon upgrading and appraising happens in.... Kirito's room. Because the only NPCs that do that crap are his dumbass friends, apparently. Of course. They just couldn't have an universally accessible NPC somewhere in the actual hub area that does that like a normal fucking MMO does. The game - SAO:FB - is not actually an MMO but the whole point is that it's trying to ape one, isn't it??? Anyway, even despite finally getting some "better" weapons, and respeccing my character, I'm still not doing as much damage as I would expect. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong at this point or *how* exactly you're meant to play this - I' m just going to assume swords are a joke weapon because you can't even get close to enemies before being annihilated by them. They sure nailed down what it feels like to do PvP combat in these games though - enemy players can just fucking oneshot you suddenly without warning.


double trouble

Gonna cover yesterday and today because I didn't actually play that much.
Yesterday I did some more Minecraft and after much frustration with Aternos's bullshit I decided to just eat the potential performance costs, grabbed the world and decided to play in singleplayer instead. There was noticeable lag too for a pretty fucking empty world, and not being able to change mod options was the last straw. What the fuck were PO3's makers thinking adding that ridiculous death sound? In the game itself though, I managed to get to the Nether finally, just to harvest a few immediately useful resources and then spent the rest of the time fucking around and getting distracted repeatedly. I got a decent stock of metals going, now that I also have a tier 2 cobblestone generator and diamond furnaces. I need to look more into wood farming because I am always low on the stuff.

I also played God Hand up to Stage 4. I am still bad at the game.

Back to Fallout 76, I took steps into farming things more efficiently. I got a Nuka-Cola collection/collectrons going to make Nuka-Grenades for whenever I want to farm for XP again. I also found out there is currently an exploit where Pickaxes give legendary modules when scrapped (moreso with Scrapper hilariously enough), so... I took the only logical course of action:

10 modules max per day versus 24 from picking up fucking pickaxes off the ground? Yeah I'll take the latter thanks.

JUN-18-2024 JUN-19-2024

the Big Dick case

Short one today. I only played 4 games.

First up was The Silver Case. I never got past the first chapter of this, but I'm going to give it a proper try this time. It's a neat touch that you get self-inserted as one of the main characters, but sadly, TSC is another one of those games that assumes EVERYONE that plays video games Is A Man and that they're TOO COOL for girls to play and the PC is, therefore, a dude. Same with Zelda and so on. Like, why even ask me for my name at that point if it's going to be an established character anyway? Whatever. It's just a nitpick. I don't like being misgendered even in games. I can't say I fully understand just *what* precisely is going on in the game but, well. It's the first Grasshopper game. The first of the "kill the past" series. It's going to be a wild ride for sure. Also the dialogue is, uh, quite something.

Then I set up a Minecraft server through Aternos (in spite of the annoying fucking anti-adblock message every 3 minutes), on the Project Ozone 3 modpack, trying that one out again. Offloading the server hosting to somewhere else supposedly helps lightening the load on the Deck's side, which makes sense. Though I'm not entirely sure it would matter too much in this case because it's a Skyblock pack. As usual I'm still just stumbling my way through the basic starter quests - I really, really hope I can "finish" one of these packs some day...

I didn't do much else for a while. Once I got back to gaming I did my dailies in FO76 again, reaching season rank 26 (so quick! yet not that far actually), and moved on to SAO:FB again. I did finally figure out how to remove people from my party - it's through the friends list for some reason, but at least the option is there. There's apparently "affinity" levels you can get with your """friends""" by keeping them in your party but I hope they don't involve anything particularly important because I am not going to really bother with them. I also noticed there's been very little in the way of shotgun drops - plenty of SMGs and pistols and other crap though. Some items I get imply there's a way to upgrade/craft gear somewhere but I'm still not seeing it. Maybe it's unlocked later on. I don't know.


thrashing up imps something uncannybrutal

Continued Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet yesterday. Not much to actually say there, other than I finally got to equip a shotgun, my preferred weapon of choice. I haven't used it yet though.

I also played more DDNet. Same map as last time - I remember the name now, it's "Multeasymap". I brought a dummy along again. It's kind of nerve-wracking when you're the one pulling people around when you're not as experienced with the game. I think the group I ended up with was more than a little frustrated by my incompetence. So much that I accidentally got everyone softlocked and they just ragequit immediately. Damn it.

I was lucky enough for another group to come across me and bail me out. The rest was uneventful - I should really look into playing a different map, but most servers only ever run this one...

I also played more World of Guns. I had my keyboard + mouse this time around, so I was able to perform a lot better than before, so much that I aced all of this gun's achievements one after the other:

So that's pretty cool. This game is going to break my brain though. Having a good memory is practically required to play this and man, sometimes it gets real fucking hard, you know?

I fucked around some more in Genesis Project afterwards - maybe for the last time for a while. I finally got around to messing around with alchemy but I sort of just stumbled my way through it. I had to juggle a ton of useless cards and totems around - maybe I shouldn't have picked Tree as my fetch modus - and only ended up creating the same items over and over but with different names and stats. My best-performing weapon, a katana, was just called "Huntinana" or some shit - it was mixed with my dead cat (yeah), a hunting rifle, and god knows what else. I also tested the waters with building proper - it's a bit clunky because it uses the custom Sburb cursor when you're in edit mode and that thing is just huge for me, for some reason. Just a Deck quirk I guess. I got as far as building a massive tower like 30 floors up - because that's what you do in Sburb, right? You're supposed to build the house up to reach your first gate. Well there was no gate for me - or if there was, it was insanely high up. I kinda just gave up after building that much and having to clear out each room as it filled with imps. Also when I closed the game for a moment and came back, I was literally stuck in the floor with no way out. I guess that was a sign.

I finished off the day by doing all my dailies in FO76 again - nothing to really say there, other than I finally got a fertilizer collector going in my CAMP - and then started a second playthrough of Prey (the 2017 one). I only just remembered that the code to your own office in that game is 0451 - because of course it is. I started on NG+ so when I did get to the office I had literally every Human power unlocked already, because my 1st run was a Typhon-less run right off the bat. I'm going to completely max out the skill tree this time hopefully, and maybe unlock a few other achievements along the way.


holy mackerel tf2 real?

Done my dailies in Fallout 76 again. I tried messing around with explosive builds again - specifically the AA quad rocket launcher I had lying around and a AA experimental MIRV that I recently got - but with how each enemy usually takes at least 2 shots to kill with them, and you only usually get one ammo drop (if at all), it's hard to really make them work without running of ammo instantly. Maybe I'll look up advice to making explosives work better.

I also played more of The Surge. It's a cool game so far but goddamn some of these enemies piss me the fuck OFF. The hammer guys are the worst so far and the 2nd area of the game is LITTERED with them. As fun as the Yosuke dual blade rig is, it's shit at generating energy, which I am actually going to need a lot of to get through this area, so I've been looking into the flamesword instead which generates like 5 times the amount of energy. It's a one-handed weapon though and I'm not nearly as fast with it. I need my mobility.

I also tried out The Genesis Project a few times. Some things I'm still trying to wrestle with, considering I'm on a controller - mostly I couldn't figure out how the fuck you prototype your kernelsprite. I tried throwing a teddy bear at it repeatedly, since sprites tend to gravitate to "dead" things, but that seemed to do nothing. In one particular attempt, my sprite had somehow managed to prototype itself into Charles Duttonsprite. As funny as that was I don't like how protoyping seems to just have happened at random so I often restart a lot in an attempt to get stuff to work. I haven't tried out alchemy yet because of this - there aren't a lot of items to go around in your house and I don't know how to make duplicates yet, nor have I had the grist needed to make things at all. (I'm sure there's an incredibly obvious way of doing it though).

I also played some more of Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition. I have to wonder how exactly they remastered this game; it feels a little better to play, and the graphics are, well, definitely improved, but other than integrating the DLC into the game proper, it feels kinda like the same game as before. Not that I'm really complaining, it's still fun, even if my Yakuza muscle memory tends to kick in and I have Wei sitting there countering literally nothing like an idiot as a result. Also I killed a guy with a fish.

I played some more of DDNet as well. Same map as last time, I already forgot the name - I brought my dummy along with me this time but man am I glad there's other people who know what they're doing in these servers because I've had to get pulled out of really stupid situations a LOT of times. I almost feel like a burden to these people. Like they're begrudingly dragging me along. It doesn't help that playing this on a controller, while it works, is not ideal in the slightest.

Following the theme of revisiting games in my library I've never really touched, I also played Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet. I was dismayed, to say the least, upon finding out the AI partner you get and can customize only has ONE voice/personality setting and it's that of a complete airhead with an 8 year old's voice. You know the type. They have this sort of character in like, every fucking anime. To say nothing of getting accosted by a shit ton of other characters from the actual anime itself - it took longer than it should've to REALLY start playing the game proper, and I'll be real, I could not give less of a fuck about Kirito and his harem of seemingly every single female player in GGO. The moment I'm able to remove him from my party I'll fucking do it. The game talks a lot about "solo" players but damn, they do not give you that option at all so far, because I'd have preferred going at it alone with just my AI partner. Such is the nature of this sort of game, though...


in the recent past...

Finished Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. What a fucking game.

Also gave the following games a try this month:
